Man scratching eczema on forearm

Weeping Eczema: Best Home Treatment Tips 2023?


If there’s one word you really don’t want associated with your eczema - it’s weeping. Never sounds good, does it? 

Throw in ‘oozing,’ ‘crusting’ and ‘yellow’ and wow! Aren’t we off to a wonderful start. 

But let’s face it, eczema LOVES to throw us curveballs. You think you’ve got it all figured out then BAM! Your skin begins to “weep” clear fluid. As if itchy or dry patches weren’t already enough. 

And you guessed it, this then increases your chances of contracting an infection. Fantastic. 

We know this can be very draining both physically and mentally for those suffering, but we’re here to tell you that a) you’re totally awesome and b) we’re with you! 

In this article you’ll find: 

1) Symptoms

2) Causes

3) Signs of infection

4) Top tips for treatment

5) How to avoid infection in the first place 

So, what are the symptoms of weeping eczema? 

This tricky little devil is a form of atopic dermatitis that is characterised by yellowish crusts and discharge. 

It will be obvious to you when this has happened - sores will have formed on your skin (often where you’ve repeatedly scratched) and would have started to “weep”, causing wetness. 

The fluid will usually be clear or yellow and will eventually dry out on your skin forming a crusty layer. (Trust us, it’s just as lovely as it sounds). 


Now the juicy part (no pun intended). 

At the basic level, weeping eczema is primarily caused by an infection. The itch-scratch cycle that we all know and love is the culprit here. 

When you scratch repeatedly over a long period of time, the skin can become broken and cracked, leaving it vulnerable to harmful microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses or fungi. 

This then becomes a downward spiral. The more the skin becomes infected, the more it itches, so the more you scratch. And so on (and so on and so on). 

Signs of infection

(Not an exhaustive list):

- Redness

- Blisters

- Skin that oozes clear, yellow or golden fluid

- Severe itchiness

- Fever

- Flu like symptoms

- Dry crusts on the skin

- Small red spots around body hair

- Swollen glands in the neck, armpit or groin 

The most common cause of an infection for people with eczema is down to a well known bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus or ‘staph’ for short. 

This bacteria can easily find its way onto the skin when there is an interrupted skin barrier and can be found on over 90% of people who suffer from mild-to-severe eczema. 

Top tips for treatment 

1) See a medical professional 

This one is self explanatory but still needs to be repeated. If you’re suffering from weeping eczema and fear you might have an infection, it’s imperative you make an appointment to see your doctor, ideally your primary care physician or dermatologist, immediately. 

From there, depending on what type of infection you have, your treatment will vary. 

If it’s a bacterial infection, your doctor will most likely prescribe you with a course of antibiotics. If it’s a viral infection, anti-viral tablets will commonly be given depending on the severity. And finally if it’s a fungal infection, expect an anti-fungal cream to sort the problem. 

Overall your doctor is well equipped to diagnose your symptoms so should (hopefully) put you on the right track.

2) Stop the itch-scratch cycle

As mentioned, scratching is what got us here in the first place. So guess what? It’s vital we go straight to the root cause and stop it dead in its tracks. 

As luck would have it, our very own Mugwort Mist has you covered. 

Enriched with a blend of 3 traditional Chinese herbs trusted for 1000’s of years in Asian medicine, our plant-based formula has been especially designed to combat the symptoms of dry or itchy skin. 

How? Through deeply hydrating dry skin and enhancing the skin’s natural barrier through a range of restorative natural ingredients, namely cholesterol and ceramides. 

Oh and it’s also anti-fungal and completely steroid free - so there’s no long term side effects to worry about. Aren’t we just the best? 

How to avoid infection in the first place

1) Stop scratching! 

Just as it’s important when you get an infection, clearly it’s vital to stop scratching in the first place to prevent an infection from first occurring. As stated above, our Mugwort Mist can help here. 

2) Stress relief 

Vital in helping to calm any form of eczema, it’s so important you get a hold of your stress levels if you hope to keep flare ups at bay. We preach meditation, mindfulness and yoga as the fix here. 

3) Bleach baths 

Not the most obvious solution - but gaining traction globally - is the use of bleach baths. These can help to remove bacteria from the outermost layer of your skin and prevent infection. Crucial when it comes to weeping eczema. 

4) Moisturising 

So obvious - but so important. Don’t forget to moisturise! If your skin is cracked it makes it far easier for bacteria to enter and an infection to form. Aim for twice a day (and more during winter). 

5) Know your triggers

This (maybe) the most important part of understanding your whole eczema journey. You HAVE to understand what sets off your skin if you hope to keep it under control. We know it can be so tough to do, but patch tests (if you can see a dermatologist) or elimination diets are a good place to start. 

6) Use a humidifier 

Especially important in winter when the air can become dry and cold, particularly inside. A humidifier will put moisture back into the air to help your skin stay hydrated, not dry or cracked. 

Final word 

It’s a tough gig, weeping eczema. You need to be extra vigilant if you see any signs of infection occurring and follow our steps above to make sure you stay healthy (and hopefully free of the yellow oozing stuff).

What have we missed? Jump over to our Twitter page and let us know! 

With care, 

The Yan-Yee team


- Blisters. (2017). Link

- Sign on infection: Cuts, burns, and in the body. (2019). Link

- Staph infection. (2018). Link

- Eczema. (n.d.). Link

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